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25 November 2007


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I seriously doubt that "85 approved rescue groups and 400 volunteers" is anywhere near accurate. At some point, years ago, maybe. The difficulty of working with the current director has caused many people/groups to drop out, but that is just part of the story. Many individuals have said they no longer foster for TLAC as they cared for animals and bottle-fed them and socialized them, only to have them killed when they were given back to TLAC. I would suggest people (reporters) show up to interact with the animals about to be killed (including puppies and kittens, the "hard-core problems" of which she speaks) and see how wonderful they are. But, don't come too close to killing time, as people who work with animals in pounds have seen evidence that they become fearful before the time....as if they know what is about to happen to them. So, they will not be at their best then.

Lisa Sears

What a great commentary!

I especially liked two sentences: " a highly trained professional, hired specifically to come up with strategies... rather than just process the low-lying fruit".

And " She has more people in the community who want to adopt than she can process with her staff, but it's the community that is to blame?"

I'm really very afraid that the anticipated shelter move into industrial east Austin will indeed result in even fewer adoptions. And then where will the fingers point?

Ultimately, it's the animals that pay, with their lives.


I would agree with Janie that "85 approved rescue groups and 400 volunteers" is anywhere near accurate either - especially since we used to be one of those groups.

I know there is a witch hunt by TLAC and Animal Control against rescue groups in Austin. We were the latest victims. First they are going after the cat groups, then the dog groups, then there won't be anyone left to speak for anyone, as it were.

Some groups have voluntarily removed themselves from rescuing from TLAC due to the danger of doing so.


I would agree with Janie that "85 approved rescue groups and 400 volunteers" is anywhere near accurate either - especially since we used to be one of those groups.

I know there is a witch hunt by TLAC and Animal Control against rescue groups in Austin. We were the latest victims. First they are going after the cat groups, then the dog groups, then there won't be anyone left to speak for anyone, as it were.

Some groups have voluntarily removed themselves from rescuing from TLAC due to the danger of doing so.

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