Okay, kind of a drive-by, but I haven't done one of these in a while. Yes, it's time for stuff I like!
Tonight it's a strange catalog company called Soft Surroundings. I can't quite grasp their concept... I guess it's kind of a catalog that sells stuff that's fluffy or cozy or soft or comforting, plus anything else they feel like selling you. Some really nice clothing, a lot of fleece, and sheets and makeup and face cream, don't ask me, I didn't start the company, I just bought this really great shirt.
This shirt fits me so perfectly I want to cry when I put it in. It's the kind of shirt that you want to wear everywhere every day because it's as if it was made for you.
It looks much better on me than it does on the model in the catalog or in this somewhat strangely laid out photo from the website, right.
Regardless of all that? Best. Shirt. Ever.
I like the Soft Surroundings stuff, too!
Posted by: Gina Spadafori | 20 October 2007 at 10:40 PM
I agree about the weird catalogue concept, but like you, I have found there a shirt that never fails to bring compliments:
How *do* you transfer just an image?
Posted by: Lisa Paddock | 22 October 2007 at 07:12 PM