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22 October 2007


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Regarding above, didn't know e-mail wouldn't appear in text:

[email protected]


Located in Moreno Valley. Will take ferrets, birds and exotics. Free, safe, temporary shelter in a safe loving home.

E-mail me with your needs.

Linda Spaulding

I can take two or three horses if they get along. Perhaps a cat or dog temporarily to help in the fires. I do not have a horse trailer.

I have fencing 3 rail, and 2 acres in the Victorville area.

Ask for John or Linda

Trudy Jackson


Please be careful and safe. Wishing you and all the animals the best.


My best wishes for the people and animals in the affected areas. It's good to see people working together to help one another and the animals.

I hope enough people in other areas of the state offer their fenced land and horse trailers to evacuate the large animals. Saving the horses and cattle is going to take the work of individuals, ranch owners, who have the transport vehicles to get the job done.

Are there local equine associations (quarterhorse, paint, etc.) and cattle associations that can step in to organize evacuations of the animals?

...Thoughts are with all of you.


Animal Evacuation Centers:

(Up to date info can be found here: http://www.sdhumane.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ter__HarrisWitchcreekFire

The El Cajon Animal Shelter, located at 1275 North Marshall, will be open today to receive domestic pets and small livestock animals for emergency boarding. Donations of cat and dog food (canned), blankets and towels are welcomed for those wishing to help.

Important: Animal Shelters have received literally hundreds of calls in the last few hours from good Samaritans who are offering room, yards, and land for livestock. There is a serious lack of horse trailers to transport these animals. Anyone with an available horse trailer can call the San Diego Animal Support Foundation immediately at 619-847-8755.

The San Diego Humane Society's Animal Rescue Reserve team is currently working with the San Diego County Department of Animal Services to evacuate domestic animals and livestock.

If possible, place your pet in a crate or carrier and bring any necessary supplies including leashes, food, water and medications as supplies at evacuation centers may be limited. More tips can be found online at www.sdhumane.org .

Most Red Cross evacuation centers are accepting pets in carriers.

If you do not have or were unable to pet your pet in a carrier or need pet supplies, bring your pet to one of the following Red Cross evacuation centers:

Qualcomm Stadium ... 9449 Friars Road in Mission Valley

Mira Mesa High School ... 10510 Reagan Road in Mira Mesa


Information from Liz passed to Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Southern Region and Western Region, HSUS

Jennifer J

thank you for updating and providing this info. I have sent the link as far and wide as I can!


Have the manufacturers of horse/livestock trailers offered their vehicles to help move the horses, cows, etc.?

Have 4 x 4 truck dealerships stepped in to offer the use of their vehicles to pull the horse trailers?

If I had trailers for sale sitting in a lot, I'd use them, new or used, to move the horses and cattle.

I see a wonderful relationship between the horse trailer companies and truck dealerships to help out here...

Maybe even some good free publicity would come their way?


Will house cats/dogs misplaced or needing housing during this trying time, free of charge. Located in Costa Mesa, CA. Have backyard for dogs and prefer inside cats ok.

[email protected]

Kathi G.

It never occurred to me to think about pets of the homeless. Here's an organization that helps feed pets of the homeless.

Feeding Pets of the Homeless is a nonprofit member organization that provides pet food and veterinarian care to the homeless and less fortunate in local communities across the United States and Canada.

Members collect pet food and deliver it to food banks and/or soups kitchens which have agreed to distribute the food to the homeless and impoverished. Members and organizations are listed at www.petsofhomeless.org under “Members”. The information is updated daily.

At our main office we coordinate and support members. We accept cash donations; distribute grant applications to veterinarians and other nonprofit organizations that meet your objectives; review and award grants.

Mission Statement:

Through Feeding Pets of the Homeless, we will do our part to help reduce hunger in pets that belong to the homeless and the less fortunate and provide medical care for those pets in communities across the country.

We believe in the healing power of companion pets and of the human/animal bond which is very important to life.

Our actions include the following:

· Promoting to veterinarians and pet related businesses the importance of joining the program

· Speaking out on the issue of pets of homeless and the disadvantaged

· Campaigning to food distributing organizations the importance of distributing pet food to the less fortunate

· Providing grants to licensed veterinarians and other nonprofit organizations that meet our objectives to administer medical care to pets of the homeless.

If you think it's worthwhile, too, maybe you would create a link to their website on your blog. Anyway, here's what the organization is all about:

Feeding Pets of the Homeless is a nonprofit member organization that provides pet food and veterinarian care to the homeless and less fortunate in local communities across the United States and Canada.

Members collect pet food and deliver it to food banks and/or soups kitchens which have agreed to distribute the food to the homeless and impoverished. Members and organizations are listed at www.petsofhomeless.org under “Members”. The information is updated daily.

At our main office we coordinate and support members. We accept cash donations; distribute grant applications to veterinarians and other nonprofit organizations that meet your objectives; review and award grants.

Mission Statement:

Through Feeding Pets of the Homeless, we will do our part to help reduce hunger in pets that belong to the homeless and the less fortunate and provide medical care for those pets in communities across the country.

We believe in the healing power of companion pets and of the human/animal bond which is very important to life.

Our actions include the following:

· Promoting to veterinarians and pet related businesses the importance of joining the program

· Speaking out on the issue of pets of homeless and the disadvantaged

· Campaigning to food distributing organizations the importance of distributing pet food to the less fortunate

· Providing grants to licensed veterinarians and other nonprofit organizations that meet our objectives to administer medical care to pets of the homeless.

Wellington Florida Horse Gal

Great article! Most people don't even take into consideration that yes people get displaced, etc - but what about their pets! Really awesome that people stepped up and helped out others in need with free boarding!

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