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12 September 2007


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So I trotted over to my local bookstore to pick up Faith’s latest adventures and OH NO!!! it’s a hardback. Now I love books. I read all or part of 20-40 books a month. I will sometimes buy a hardback if it is a book I think I will use again and again like oh a dictionary or a cookbook for dogs. But a mystery? Even one with poodles? Ha. Not even one with schnauzers or corgis. Umm maybe one with both schnauzers and corgis. $7.99 is horrid for a paperback but $22 or more for a hardback? With my addiction that would be pushing $1000 a month. I might as well take up using cocaine! When I am buying people food for the dogs? Sorry Aunt Peg. Sorry Hope. Sorry Melanie. Sorry Davey, Sam and Tar. Not this time.

Now I know that it’s a really big deal to get published in hardcover but I’m always bummed when my favorites makes it big. Small of me I know.

Bummed I tell you. Bummed. Hum, wonder if the local public library is going to get Hounded…

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