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26 September 2007


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I have to name a life insurance beneficiary. I'm unmarried and childless, and I'm seriously considering naming Morris Animal Foundation as a major beneficiary. Thanks for the update - I'll go read up on their programs.


Wish I could use Pets Best . . . but they won't insure my dog as she is 9.


Some of this research will ultimately benefit humans. It isn't an us-or-them issue. It really is win-win.

I realized when I wrote the above that it sounds like a justification for animal research as we currently know it - for the benefit of humans. But no, this starts out to help them, and ends up helping everyone. Give and you shall receive...


I work for a discount pet supply company (actually many animals large and small supply company) and we have a place on our website where donations to MAF can be added to an order. We have been a fan for many years and our customers are the greatest. Not only do they give regularly to MAF but anytime we sponsor a drive for a charity. Two years ago, we did the same for Katrina Victims and the response was phenomenal. Thanks for bringing attention to this organization.

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