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27 August 2007


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I tell people that when you buy from a Responsible Breeder, you're buying from someone who's making choices and taking actions designed to look out for the best interest of the *dog* - both individually and collectively. And so - by extension - that is also good for *you* as a buyer because you become the beneficiary of those dedicated efforts.

Whereas if you buy from one of all the OTHER kinds of breeders, you're buying from someone who's making choices and taking actions designed to look out for the best interest of them*SELF*. And that is not good for you, and certainly not good for the dog you're buying, or for dogs as a whole.

Anyone who opts to buy from a breeder and who truly loves dogs is doing ALL dogs a disservice if they buy from anyone OTHER than a Responsible Breeder who does the right things for the right reasons - for the sake of the *dog*.


As someone who is currently not just on whelp watch, but fading puppy watch, it's so sad it's almost funny to think about all the money I'm supposedly making doing this.

Two weeks of missed work, timing testing, supplements, AI with frozen semen, delivery, and now caring 24/7 for the one puppy of the two resulting pups that I had highest hopes for, but fully expecting him to not make it through the week.

If we didn't do this for love, and love of our breed, no way on earth would we go through any of this willingly - let alone thinking that there's any money in it.

I shudder to think of this pup being born at a commercial facility, and how short his life would have been.

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