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12 June 2007


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You know, I was just reading about the pet dogs taken from their owners by police in a Louisana parish after Katrina, trapped in a building and shot like fish in a barrel. There were 240 comments on the story at the time I read it, all but a handful of them expressing shock, astonishment and fury that something like this could happen.

Yet people continue to ignore the plight of dogs in puppy mills. Makes you wonder what it will take to horrify them and wake them up to the misery a relative few people perpetuate. I hope your very well written article in SFGate enlightens at least a few and makes them understand what they're doing when they buy those cute puppies online or in pet stores.


Very difficult (but important) article to read but even sadder was the Google Ad at the bottom advertising Shih Tsu puppies...


i read all of that.its so horrible bt true. i wish i had a dog bt if now hearing that i will just wait.2day at my schll(i am 11 bt luv animals) i decided to start a petition.the petition waz 2 stop animal cruelty.hopefully it will get through 2 sick twisted people and all of this will blow over. i am a catholic,so i pray for all the animals and hope they will soon live a better life amen.xxx


I just wanted to let you know that your article has resulted in many happy dogs in many happy homes. My home is one of them. I adopted Jasmine (her name was Orchid, then), a 3-year-old miniature dachshund. She was one of the dogs rescued by Dr. Hamilton. Today, she is a pampered and very well-loved member of our family. She is a loving and gentle animal that is beginning to discover the joy of life. You can read about her life in my blog.


i really want a dog but my father doesnt buy one.i have a garden please help me i live in albania

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