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18 June 2007


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When I was in Italy, dogs could roam around - no leash - as long as they wore a muzzle.


Wonderful picture of the dogs and the seashore.

I am very envious, seeing the beautiful water and the dogs happy.

Some people are happier owning dogs. I personally do not see the problem, and am happy for all those dogs that get adopted. Why, I told my daughter's boyfriend about an adoptable dog at Petsmart and the dog is happy and plays with the other dog that the boyfriend owns.

Gave my daughter a stray cat--now she has three cats. No children. If she is happy, that is what I am concerned with. (Besides, she spends her spare time helping her dad and me when necessary.)


Dog owners are a different mentality. Cat owners in general understand many people just don't like cats.

Dog owners seem to think hey everyone likes dogs. Especially mine. It can do anything it wants.

Not quite! LOL sorry to be so blunt.


When I lived in Germany they allowed pets in restaurants. Usually it was dogs, but one guy had a cat on a leash once. I wish they did that here.

On the other hand, these pets were always impeccably well-behaved. I wouldn't like to share a restaurant with a rowdy animal.


Ones not pet lovers are probably too concerned they just can't feel the same love we have for our pet companions ... hopefully, the light will come on soon before life denies them the opportunity. Just pray for them as the Lord loves his children, both man and beast, the same..

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