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10 May 2007


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"Blue Buffalo said then that it didn't know that the concentrate came from China. That's not surprising: C.J. Foods, which made the cat food for Blue Buffalo, didn't know either, says C.J. Vice President Jerry Krueger. C.J. got the ingredient from a U.S. supplier. It was imported by San Francisco-based Wilbur-Ellis."

This can never happen again. Ingredients must be certified to show exactly where they come from. And we can no longer accept the excuse of "I didn't know". I applaud Blue Buffalo for dropping their ANI contract and hope they find a good replacement, but they and all other pet food companies must know where their ingredients come from.


Oops - posted under the wrong topic....This was also from the USA today article.

Carol PW

I doubt the parents of tens of thousands of sick or dead pets feel ‘lucky’.

Having five of the eight pet foods I was using recalled, and buying and reading four books on home cooking for my pets does not make me feel ‘lucky’. Spending my weekends cooking for my pets and evenings writing letters to local, state and federal legislators and pet food manufacturers does not make me feel ‘lucky’. Finding out anyone thinks this debacle is any respect ‘lucky’ is a terrible way to start the day.


Yes, I can see all the legistlators wiping their foreheads and saying WHEW, we missed a bullet there. While I understand that on one level, it's just more than a little insulting to people who lost pets or are ministering to ill pets who might not recover any kind of quality life. A MENTION of those facts might have been nice.


Maybe Mr. Acheson is "optimistic" at some time in the future, exchanging information on food safety with China will actually happen. Then again, an MOU is just that....it defines no action whatsoever and carries no penalties.

Trudy Jackson

I am now all confused. And I don't feel one bit lucky [after losing 3 cats] but is there another food out there that still haven't mentioned ot is this it for now? Please let Me know. Please- Trudy


Many pets may have "been lucky" but many may also have long term health problems. Our 5 year old dog was "not lucky" and did not deserve to die a horrible death. You may feel lucky but knowingly playing with a loaded gun is stupid!



We “just got lucky this time” we were able to catch this, cover it up, and spin it to our advantage before an enraged American public dragged us all out of our plush taxpayer provided jobs and quarters, into the streets, and tarred and feathered us in the public square live on Good Morning America. Phew. That was a close one.


Good Translation, Steve

The House Ag Committee, Collin Peterson chairman, is the same committee working on the 2007 Farm Bill.

HR 357 and S404 are the bills that would institute mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for the rest of our food supply.

So when we contact him about this food safety issue, we should demand that we can read on the label what country our food, and it's ingredients, originated in.

E. Hamilton

Steve, you nailed it.

Somehow I do not feel lucky and with two dead and two who will never be right again, I think I am in a better position to know about the depth of the disaster than Collin.

I have been wounded and wounded in so many ways by so many differing assailants that I feel as if I have taken a terrible beating.

My home was invaded by poison, those I looked to for help failed me on a daily basis and I am

simply not the person I was before.

I literally ATE a political pollster who was stupid enough to call the other night.

I interviewed a potential new vet and when the homefeeding situation came up, my husband warned the vet to keep a respectful attitude with me about it or "She will make you cry." and I would have.

I am a meaner person that I was.

Harder to fool.

I think the "Lucky" committee chairman , among others, may find that there are a lot of us feel this way.



This page (from the site linked in the post above) shows some melamine lab test results from Diamond and Natural Balance.


I think we just need to keep our focus and show Chairman Peterson just how "lucky" he really is. I will continue to send my letters to government officials. I will continue to call the companies I purchase food products for and ask specific questions. If I don't see what I perceive are positive changes then it will become an economic boycott of their products. It's not just my fur kids at risk.


I actually think Chairman Peterson was trying to point out how much worse it could have been, not trivialize our losses and pain. It could have been our children's medicine, or formula or vitamins. It's already happened in other countries. Sadly, unless the FDA gets off it's collective a*s and admits there is a problem, then fixes it, that will probably be next.


Comment by Joyce — May 10, 2007 @ 8:40 am


who or what makes you sure that this or another poison is *not* already in our and our children's medicine, formulae or vitamines?

Judging from what I have seen over the past few weeks I wouldn't count on anything like 'ethical behaviour', 'good manufacturing practice' or even 'responsibility'.

What I have seen is an incredible amount of corner cutting, cheapo-do, and spin-doctoring, all for the bottom line.

Who will be able to prove, 30 years from now, that the immense increase in certain illnesses is due to what is in our food NOW, unbeknownst to us?

...and I fear something like that has already happened over the past 20, 30 years....


re: Comment by Lola

This sounds more pessimistic than my point of view. The US import law already specifies that we can only import agricultural products from countries with equivalent safety and environmental standards -- which clearly isn't true of China (or India, for that matter). The FDA and Customs Agency are both already complicit in breaking this law, so I'm not sure why anybody thinks more restrictions on imports are going to change anything. THAT'S a pipe dream!

South Africa has already banned Chinese grain imports. Louisiana and Mississippi have banned catfish from Vietnam and China. And China banned US beef because of a single instance of mad cow.

It's time for us all to stop whining, tighten our belts, and get ready for a trade war. I don't care how "in debt" we are to China. Someone tried to kill my cat last week, and his life (and my own) have no monetary value. Get ready for a "Tea Party"!


********************** interviewed a potential new vet and when the homefeeding situation came up, my husband warned the vet to keep a respectful attitude with me about it or “She will make you cry.” and I would have.

I am a meaner person that I was.

Harder to fool.

I think the “Lucky” committee chairman , among others, may find that there are a lot of us feel this way.


That is exactly how my dh would describe me. And I was a tough old goat before. I am scary to some people now. Mainly because before, I at tried to maintain a polite facade in my personal life (though not in my business).

Now I don't suffer fools at all.


“China is an increasingly important market for U.S. food and agricultural products,” said Johanns. “In 2005, U.S. farmers and ranchers sold more than $6 billion in agricultural products to China, making it our fifth largest export market."


Well maybe it's time our farmers and ranchers sold their products to U.S. businesses for consumption by Americans.

I've made a vow to call at least 1 company A DAY and ask "WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR "____" THAT YOU MAKE YOUR "____" (bread, sauce, cereal, meat, whatever).

These are foods I eat. I USED to eat. I don't eat ANYTHING any more unless it's 1) USDA Organic NOT from China; or 2) Certified by the manufacture FREE OF INGREDIENTS FROM CHINA!

I tell them I'll pay more for safe food. But I'm not spending a DIME on anything not PROVEN free from Chinese imports! If I have ANY QUESTION about the source of their ingredients, I WON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCT!

The responses have been interesting. Try it!


Ok, I'm just not sure why US farmers are selling their products to China, when we are basically buying the same kind of products back again. Am I missing something here? Not only does it appear to me that the US is getting shortchanged on safety but wouldn't this also increase the amount we pay for food, since shipping is added when we buy food from China that we could buy from here instead?


As for being lucky, I certainly don't feel that way, with a dead cat buried and gone, but not forgotten! I know our cat didn't feel lucky, as he fell sick and I certainly know he didn't feel lucky that last day, as he couldn't even stand!


Ok, I’m just not sure why US farmers are selling their products to China, when we are basically buying the same kind of products back again. Am I missing something here? Not only does it appear to me that the US is getting shortchanged on safety but wouldn’t this also increase the amount we pay for food, since shipping is added when we buy food from China that we could buy from here instead?

Comment by Darlene — May 10, 2007 @ 3:47 pm

I have read that China needs to create a huge amount of jobs per month (don't quote me but I believe I have read something like 900,000 per month just to stay even). Their economy is red hot and growing between 9% to 11% per year, for a few years now.

It seems that American companies and our own goverment has blessed it, have been making China a middleman to grow their economy, so American companies will have new Chinese consumers with money to sell to.

The American consumer has been put into the backseat for these new emeraging markets that will make companies millions of dollars.


As I see it the CEO of Menu Foods got lucky when he got the okay to dump his stock just before the crap hit the fan. My five who are dead don't feel lucky and my survivors with problems don't feel so lucky either. Please let me know what else I should be feeling so I don't step on anyone's toes.


Collin Petereson and David Acheson need to understand that our animals and children are not canaries to test the coal mine. The enviornment that has been created is hazardous and as they have admitted over and over again has no oversite. Wake up FDA! You know what the problem is and it's your responsability to fix it or at the vary least help us protect ourselves.

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