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15 May 2007


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I totally agree with your article!!!

The tarter that you can see should be a wake up call that there's most likly lots more bacteria under the gums. Your pet needs a cleaning and exam under anesthesia where every tooth can be examined regardless of what you can remove without anesthesia!!!


Cynthia Blue

Interesting, I didn't know that (your article excerpt). Good thing to know. My dogs eat raw, too, but only for the last year. Lucy has great teeth and has never needed them cleaned, Angel has awful teeth and needs them cleaned every now and again. The vet told me it can have a lot to do with genetics.

 Frost DVM

I have seen this procedure and as a DVM I am so impressed!!!! This is an amazing service when done by the correct technician and done in an Animal Hospital. I would highly recommend a company called [EDITED BY CHRISTIE TO REMOVE EGREGIOUS SPAM POSTED BY LIAR PRETENDING TO BE A VET USING A FAKE AND CLEARLY FORGED EMAIL ADDRESS BUT HEY NICE TRY YOU PARASITE]. They take there time and are so patient with the pets. I have had many situations where if the technicians find something they stop and recommend an anesthetic dental. [ADDED BY CHRISTIE AGAIN: This is a lie, it's spam, and it's bad for your pets.]

san diego

I also agree with you. the tartar is the sign that there are lot of bacteria under the gums and it needs a dental treatment.



I personally don't think my dog would go for it and would probably bite the hygienist and shake the entire time. And from what I've read, the bacteria that is on the teeth can be very toxic if inhaled.
Mechanicsburg PA Dentist

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