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21 April 2007


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Shari Mann

"The California Department of Food and Agriculture imposed the quarantine [on Ceres hog farm] Thursday after records from Diamond Pet Food's Lathrop facility showed it sold salvage pet food to the farm for pig feed earlier this month" Olivia Munoz, AP 04-20-07 appearing SFChronicle.

Question: Is it perfectly legal to sell any and / or all of the recalled pet food to livestock farmers? The above-referenced article notes that "California offials are not inspecting any other farms."

Question: Is it legal for Ceres, or any other hog farmer to sell pigs with melamine in their urine, pigs determined unsafe for humans to consume, to pet food manufacturers?



Fantastic post. I'll be linking--I still don't think this issue is getting enough attention.


Hi Christie - I linked this post in the Pets category over at Blogher: http://blogher.org/node/18563

Thank you for your comprehensive coverage. We have many concerned readers in our community.

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