The boys at just gave me the keys to their shiny new
blog software and invited me to say stuff about television, movies, and
anything I find on YouTube other forms of media over there. So if you have any gay boy-relevant TV/movie gossip
cultural reportage to share with me, please post here immediately so I
can blog it.
My first post is this totally scintillating thing about, ummm... home decorating. NO SERIOUSLY! IT IS BRILLIANT!
Some people, when dumped by their lover, fired from their job, or stricken with some hideously disfiguring skin condition, watch reruns of old sitcoms. Others tune into the “All Law and Order, all the time” network. Still others watch classic films from Hollywood’s Golden Age.
But me? My “comfort TV” has, for many years now, been that warm and welcoming respite from reality known as the Home and Garden Network (HGTV).
YOU MUST CLICK! There is even video of HGTV's out gay decorating home show star David Bromstad of Color Splash.