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To the list of publications that are starting to see the ramifications of the pet food recall story, add Scientific American:
The company had received reports of potential problems ... on February 20. But instead of alerting the public, it initiated "tasting trials" on 40 to 50 dogs and cats. Seven of the study animals died of renal failure, beginning on March 2, five days after the testing started. The company still did nothing, waiting over two weeks longer before finally taking action.
Menu Foods attributes the deaths of 15 cats and one dog nationwide (including the test subjects) to the tainted grub. But others claim the numbers are much higher. The Veterinary Information Network, which boasts a membership of 30,000 veterinarians, reports that at least 471 animals were sickened and 104 died from eating contaminated chow. Sarah Tuite, a spokesperson for Menu Foods, refused to comment on the lag time between the first test animal's death and the date of the recall. As for the discrepancy in death estimates, she acknowledged that "based on the media reports, it probably will increase," but said Menu Foods would have to "look at each case on a case by case basis."
This part in particular is a bit mind-blowing, all things considered:
Sundlof noted that the FDA has the same authority over pet food as it does over most of the human food supply. "There are really no differences in the regulation of animal food and the regulation of human food," he says. "The same people that inspect human food plants also inspect pet food plants," grading the facilities as high- or low-risk, and then monitoring the high-risk venues more carefully.
"Traditionally, pet food producers are considered to be low-risk because, with few exceptions and this certainly being one of those exceptions, pet food is very safe," Sundlof adds. "We have not had a lot of illnesses in pets as a result of pet food." David Elder, director of the Office of Surveillance and Compliance in the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine, said during an earlier press conference that the agency relies more on testing and approving animal foods and drugs before they are put on sale, rather than on routine inspection due to "limited resources."
Complete story here.
If you have a pet with a recall-related illness, let us remind you to:
- Call the FDA to report your information
- Call your veterinarian and ask him or her to report to your state veterinarian, also for the FDA
- Enter your pet in our database
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Technorati Tags: pet food recall, dogs, cats,veterinarian, veterinary
Our local paper, WednesdayJournalonline.com did an article on the pet food recall and used our Sheltie, Roxy who died on Feb. 23 as an example of just one of the local pets who have died. I also gave the reported this website since I feel it is a more accurate count of those affected. I received many calls and e-mails today from people who had no idea that the problem was so prevasive...just because they knew me. I thik the media needs more up to date numbers like those reported on this website. In the article I come off as a pet owner who didn't really react in time but had there been any advanced warning I would have raced her to the vet instead of watching her for a couple of days....a fatal mistake on my part and one I will never forgive myself for. We miss our dog which is the sad end of our story.
Posted by: Greer Haseman | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Another good article regarding Menu's lack of response.
Posted by: Amy Boda | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Posted by: RUTHIE PATTON | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that the lethal concentration of [aminopterin] is three parts per million (ppm) for rats; the amount found in the contaminated food samples was 40 ppm."
There are no words.
Posted by: Pamela J. Betz-Baron | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Good Morning Pet Food Industry, How are you feeling today? Nervous? Welcome to the club.
When are you going to come CLEAN with the public?
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Sacramento, CA LAWFUEL - March 29, 2007 -- the law firms Wexler Toriseva Wallace LLP and Kershaw Cutter & Ratinoff LLP filed the first California class action complaint amidst the largest pet food recall in U.S. history. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of consumers nationwide, alleging that Menu Foods, Inc., Menu Foods Income Fund, and Menu Foods Midwest Corp. ("Menu Foods") manufactured and sold poisoned pet food products, and failed to inform customers that these products were toxic, and potentially lethal, to their pets.
It's serious. You better believe it.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Oh and by the way. I am extremely upset to learn our top of the line "human grade natural no preservative blah blah blah made under the sunshine with pure blah blah" brand is being made at Menu. Yes, you are going to have some questions to answer.
Hope you don't mine me venting.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Whats on the "Menu"????????
Okay just like I said yesterday here we go. They are going to try to blame the consumers. They are going on the attack now. They are backed backed into a corner. Disgusting.
An Op-Ed piece in today’s New York Times points the finger at us, the consumer, for the rat poison in the pet food while focusing on a few pet parents who suspect sabotage.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I know ingredients are tested before they are used in manufacturing pet food (and human). From what I understand though, routine testing has not included testing for aminopterin because it's not a legal substance here in the US. I'm not sure if this question has been asked yet but when substances are imported, are they tested only for chemicals that are legal in the US? It seems to me like they should also be testing for chemicals that may be illegal here but are legal and/or commonly used in the country they're importing them from.
Posted by: Therese | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
An ironically timed piece in DVM mag about food safety and large animals:
Veterinarians are falling short of their original mandate to be guardians of the nation's food supply, and that could pose a security risk in the event of a major food-animal emergency, a recent study shows.
Posted by: Cathy | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Oh wait a little research show Deborah Blum is a fairly well known "under the radar" author.
No comment on this. MS Blum, why don't you just let the public make their own decisions on how to proceed with this scandal. I don't think anyone needs your opinion.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I hope this doesn't show up 3 times - my Yahoo addy is not allowing me to post a comment (Yahoo is having problems):
OK, below is from the Sci American article. Now what am I missing here? Cornell got food 2 days BEFORE recall? From who? FDA? Menu Foods?
"According to Richard Goldstein, a kidney specialist at Cornell University's Animal Health Diagnostic Center, all of the animals affected by the recall showed similar signs of the poisoning. "There's a specific pathologic phenomenon that we're seeing, which is acute tubular necrosis—acute damage to the tubules to the kidney associated with or in conjunction with these pretty characteristic [round] crystals that we're seeing in the animals' kidneys and urine," he says. He adds that this causes blood creatinine levels to spike anywhere from two to 10 times higher than normal.
Goldstein says that the center received samples of both food products and animal remains from Menu Foods a day or two before the recall. Using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (a process that separates complex mixtures and analyzes ingredients by measuring a weight-to-charge ratio), researchers compared the constituent chemicals in the food to standards for common molds, heavy metals and ethylene glycol (or antifreeze, which Goldstein says is the number one cause of kidney failure). All test results were negative."
Posted by: Cathy | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Comment by Therese — March 29, 2007
Therese the Pet Food industry is "self regulated".
That has already been established. All we have now are unscrupulous corporations doing whatever they please with zero government oversight.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
My beloved Jazzy cat of 16 yrs died of KI failure on Friday, March 23rd. She was hospitalized March 1-4 with life saving attempts to save her kidneys; she never rebounded. In my chart was noted that we had been feeding Iams cuts and gravy pouches to Jazz. This entry was also noted in November, 2006 when Jazz went in for a check up. I had no idea until the middle of March that her food was recalled.
She went down hill very fast, to which the doctor had thought it was just "old age" but when we had learned of the recall, she suggested an autopsy. I'm still believing that it really was old age and not poison. No amount of money will bring back my very first pet...ever. I'm not sure what I would do if I found out it was tainted food...
Dr. Catherine Gray
Posted by: Catherine Gray | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I, too, was infuriated by the NYT op ed - it's all our fault! Not one pesticide in my house, on my property, on my organic garden (in my dogs, however?) while the mega-seed-complex makes it harder every day to purchase anything that is guaranteed free of pesticides or genetically modified material. I have chosen to live miles from another house, away from traffic, pollution, etc. and I brought poison into my house and sickened and killed my friends. I'm speechless.
Posted by: Nancy Nielsen | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
We have to be careful to not get overwhelmed.
Lets all remember that first and foremost Menu Foods is the main focus of this scandal.
Number two is why are so many brands using this company. And why is their marketing misleading the public to believe they are self contained and in house. This needs to be dealt with over time.
We really need Congressional Hearings.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Comment by Nancy Nielsen — March 29, 2007 @ 8:21 am
Nancy Sandi's comment sums it up.
"I cant believe her article! It sounds to me like she was more interested in getting her name in print than caring what she says & how it can affect people that are grieving the loss of their pets. Saying that the saboteur and the murderous poisoner are scapegoats? Wow that is amazing! Im just dumb-founded that a science journalism professor could come up with such garbage! She better hope they dont find it was sabatoge, she might have to eat her crappy news article she wrote."
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I read something on one of the blog's the Menu also made food for Zoo cats has there been any reports of illness or death form any zoo.
I know the FDA is gathering information on this issue but I feel that are to blame as well they should have been inspecting these facilities and monitioring the production from the beginning.
So let's see bad spinach and peanut butter made it's way to the consumer's ( yes I also had a jar of the peanut butter that was bad)and now bad pet food I have to ask what's next?
Home Land security should learn a lesson from all of this, and the FDA needs to get busy.
This is one American that doesn't feel all that safe, the items that are the most danagerous to me and my family are right in my pantry.
As for Menu food executives, cruelty to animals a is crime punishable by prison sentence and this is about as cruel as it gets.
Posted by: John | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I just switched from Iams to Nature's Recipe for both my cat and dog -- and then read Ann Martin's book. Nature's Recipe was recalled in the 90's.....
Comments? Should I switch again? Nature's Recipe Easy-to-Digest (made by Delmonte) claims to have no wheat, corn or beef....
Posted by: Missie | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Found this on the Consumerist Blog (http://consumerist.com/consumer/menu-foods/how-to-contact-menu-foods-executives-makers-of-rat+poisoned-pet-food-247980.php):
How To Contact Menu Foods Executives, Makers Of Rat-Poisoned Pet Food
paulhenderson.jpgIf you would like to let Menu Foods know what you think about them selling pet food laced with rat poison, here's their executive contact info:
1) To reach Paul Henderson (pictured), President & CEO of Menu Foods GenPar Limited, call (905) 826-3870
2) Press 0 when the recording picks up.
3) Leave a short message
4) Press #.
5) Press # again when prompted.
6) Then press # to use the directory.
7) Type in "henderson" with the alphanumeric pad.
8) Press #.
9) You are then taken straight to the man.
This at least worked for us after-hours, results may vary during the day. You can use this method to reach the other executives, like:
Robert W. Luba, Chairman of the Board of Trustees & Administration Board ([email protected])
Mark A. Wiens, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Secretary of Administrator ([email protected])
Randall C. Copeland, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Administrator ([email protected])
William F. Grant, Executive Vice President - Corporate Purchasing & Logistics of Administrator ([email protected])
Christopher J. Mifflin, Executive Vice President - Operations of Administrator ([email protected])
Richard G. Shields, Executive Vice President - Technical Services of Administrator ([email protected])
Serge Darkazanli, President and Chief Executive Officer ([email protected], [email protected])
Menu Foods Income Fund
8 Falconer Drive
Streetsville, ON
Canada L5N 1B1
Fax: 905.826.4995
(end quote)
I can't make any calls like that from my cubicle -- I would be in big trouble with co-workers by the time I got done speaking my mind. But maybe someone who doean't have to worry about that can give it a try today and see if it reaches "the man". He sure has a lot of explaining to do...
Posted by: CatLady | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Comments? Should I switch again?
Comment by Missie — March 29, 2007
Missie start here at this link and study this list. Understand there are a lot of credibility issues in this situation so it is going to take some long term consumer activism to force change.
Perfectly pure food in this world is impossible nature somewhat conspires against us at times but there is no reason commercial pet foods should not be healthy and of course safe from serious contamination and poisons.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Sorry Missy
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
It's all so terrible. And the news this morning (one of the big networks maybe CBS?) reported a low number from the FDA, said the worst was over since the tainted food had been pulled from the shelves, and mentioned pet connection reporting an unverified higher number of deaths and perhaps duplicate deaths are being reported by several agencies - making the number seem higher than it really is.
I almost fainted at their total lack of understanding and their attempt to minimize this tragic state of events for our pets.
Posted by: Linda | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I almost fainted at their total lack of understanding and their attempt to minimize this tragic state of events for our pets.
Comment by Linda — March 29, 2007
It is gross negligence all across the spectrum.
The main stream media is implicated as well for the lack of seriousness in the manner they are approaching this.
Posted by: Steve | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
MSNBC has a story on the problem of what to feed our pets and this entire "SCARE."
Posted by: Linda | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I know I have seen it somewhere but can't find the website - can someone please let me know where I can go to find out WHO Menu produces for? I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THESE COMPANIES!!! And to think I have been a faitful Nutro customer for 20 years. By the way, I go see my attorney today at 3pm to get some advice, if I come up with anything new, I will pass it on
Posted by: Sandi Schreiber | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Pet Food Crisis Tops This Week's Google Weekly Zeitgeist:
Posted by: Dee | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Posted by: Dee | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Thank you for the contact information on Menu Foods executives. This is something we CAN do! Let's contact them and let them know this is utterly unacceptable. I will be calling. I've already written letters to the executives.
Posted by: Elizabeth | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
So, is this new? In the FAQ on menufoods website which shows being updated yesterday, they are now admitting the tainted food came from TWO plants?
1. What exactly is covered by the Menu Foods Recall and for what timeframe?
The recall is limited to “cuts and gravy” style pet food in cans and foil pouches produced on specific dates and times between December 3, 2006, and March 6, 2007 in two of Menu’s plants. The recall affects 42 brands of cat food and 53 brands of dog food. In order to determine whether cat and dog food that your pet consumed is subject to recall, you should refer to the list of brand names on this website.
(I put the emphasis in this paragraph)
Posted by: John Pierce | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I have not been able to find a COMPLETE list of companies for whom Menu Foods processes foods. It seems like that information is being kept secret. I just recently ordered new wet food, and I called each and every company up personally to ask them if they had any of their ingredients processed by Menu Foods. I will NOT buy anything that they have processed if I can at all help it.
Posted by: Elizabeth | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
An ironically timed piece in February DVM mag about food safety and large animals:
On the failure of the media
Posted by: Mike | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Yes, there is a plant in New Jersey, too. Interestingly, processing at the New Jersey plant has NEVER stopped, even with the recall.
Posted by: Elizabeth | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
But the recall information on Iams and Hills websites only identify product codes for the Kansas plant, right? I think menufoods has always maintained the problem was just in one plant, but the FAQ contradicts that.
Posted by: John Pierce | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
That's right. They have said it only involved the one plant. Of course, I don't know why anyone would believe them.
Posted by: Elizabeth | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Seems Menu removed the list of their products from their website. See this story and the newsreporter will e-mail the list when she receives it:
Also, maybe a stock broker has an annual report on hand from the end of the year.
Posted by: Linda | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
John - the FAQ has said TWO plants for at least the past 4 days, maybe longer. Don't remember exactly when I noticed it...
Posted by: Kim | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Pamela re: the level of poison in the cat food that was initially tested by NYState Ag. Lab: It was my understanding from viewing the press conference that their screens picked up levels that were at least 40 part per million but those screens did not quantify the actual amount above that level. They said that detail would come in the testing that they are doing now. So the bottom line as I heard them was that it was at least 40 parts per million. Here is a link to their website and press release. http://www.agmkt.state.ny.us/AD/release.asp?ReleaseID=1598
Posted by: Shawn | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
From Menu's Investor Relations Site:
Private-label” (sometimes also referred to as “own label” or “store brand”) means products that are commissioned, marketed and owned by a retailer, as opposed to a manufacturer. Examples of premium private-label programs include A&P’s “Master Choice”TM, Sobeys’ “Compliments”TM and Safeway’s “Select”TM.
Menu has built its private-label business strategy around the three core fundamentals of quality, service and price. Menu strives to provide high quality products at a wholesale price below the leading national brands, enabling its retail customers to generally offer lower prices to consumers while retaining the potential to realize higher margins relative to national brand products. Menu’s strategy is to be a manufacturer of high quality private-label products based on nutrition, palatability and quality standards that are comparable to leading national brands. Menu believes it is the only private-label wet pet food manufacturer to offer all of the leading sizes and types of containers and packaging configurations.
Posted by: Linda | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
If you are using store brand foods STOP RIGHT NOW!
See link:http://tammybruce.com/2007/03/menu_pet_food_.php
Posted by: Linda | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Somewhere there has to be a list of companies they produce for..I WILL NEVER BUY A PRODUCT AGAIN that Menu produces.. and to think I was buying a high-end product ( Nutro) WHAT A JOKE!!!
Posted by: Sandi Schreiber | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Yes, some are trying to find a financial report from last year but it is for sure in the hard copy and must be sitting around in a stock brokers file - any stock brockers out there - HELP!
Posted by: Linda | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I am curious to know if Menu Foods has paid out any reimbursements yet? When I made my call to the company on Monday after the recall, I was told by their representative that she was terribly sorry for our loss of Cocoajoe (Feb 16) and "they needed to make it right." I've since filed a claim, but honestly they couldn't put a price on my baby's life...or my life without him. :(
Posted by: Jamie Brehmer | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I also want to THANK the Pet Connection for having this wonderful site! I've told anyone and everyone I know about it.
Posted by: Jamie Brehmer | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Ditto Jamie!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Pet Connection and to all the other people posting - it definitely helps with the pain I'm going through, thanks everyone and hopefully, somehow we CAN make a difference!!!
Posted by: Sandi Schreiber | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
Sandi: Here is exactly what you're looking for...
Foods not on the recall list,, some (too many) of which are made by MEnu.
Posted by: Kim | 28 March 2007 at 08:00 PM
I filmed the last few days of my cats life for video evidence of the poisoning. It also shows some of the symptoms to look for.
Posted by: Ernie | 29 March 2007 at 08:00 PM