I'm so touched at all the concern for Rebel. I guess I (understandably) over-reacted, because his bloodwork was fine, and his urine culture came back with an overgrowth of a common fecal bacteria, susceptible to an inexpensive, usually-well-tolerated antibiotic.
Because Rebel had a surgical procedure called a scrotal urethrostomy, allowing him to pass the cystine stones caused by a genetic kidney defect he has, he is very susceptible to bladder infections. This is because the urinary opening created by this surgery forms what one vet kidney specialist I know called a "superhighway to the bladder for pathogens." It's just one of the lovely side effects of having a dog with this condition.
Anyway, the vet felt there was no reason to worry unless he still has symptoms after a couple of days on the antibiotics, and/or if the vomiting returns. If it doesn't, her assumption would be that it was unrelated.
Sadly, he did throw up his breakfast, and I am back in full blown paranoia. But it was chicken soup, and I think it was too hot, and he ate something else later with no problems, so I'm going to try to stave off said paranoia and relax. (Those of you who know me can all laugh now.)
I'll keep you posted! And again, my thanks!
Glad to hear about the blood work. Here's hoping that he is all well soon.
Posted by: Cate | 29 January 2007 at 10:17 PM
Glad to hear his bloodwork was good.
Posted by: Judi | 30 January 2007 at 08:23 AM