This is really just an excuse to bring some pretty by posting this photo of my darling Rebel, taken last winter by the wondrous Gina - and so you can read about our morning walk over on the Pet Connection blog.
(A)s someone who has had dozens of giant dogs and a few large ones, I have a word of advice for small dog owners: Admire your little tough guy’s attitude all you want, but please don’t let him run up to two leashed giant breed dogs and jump up and bark in their faces.
More here.
Perhaps, then, it is a good thing that Merlin has a very healthy respect for any dog larger than he. (he also has an aversion to overly excited and overly rambunctious dogs no matter what the size) That comes from my friend's lab mix, that cornered Merlin out of happiness to greet a new friend, and about licked his fur off in the process. This was shortly after I got Merlin. Poor Merlin had no idea of what to make of the giant, lumbering, excitedly happy lab-mix.
Posted by: CE Petro | 24 November 2006 at 10:27 AM