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09 October 2006


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Umm. Yeah. Definitely doomed. Of course, I'm sure that with our remodel we will share your fate. Lots and lots of Xenafests are needed!

And some road trips.

And ... stuff I haven't even thought of yet!


I can empathize... we moved in June, and over the past month or two we had a leak in the kitchen that ultimately forced us to replace the kitchen floor, one of our cats got out and hasn't been seen since, we're having lots of personal and financial issues, and there's probably more that I can't remember at present. Something that occurred to me is that I forgot to smudge the house before we moved in. I don't consider myself superstitious or invested in traditional/New Age remedies, but... sometimes I can't help but wonder.

So, long story short, maybe you might try smudging your house, if you haven't already? Just a random thought from a random person... ;)

Take care!

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