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12 September 2006


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Oh, I remember now. My dog was 3 when we moved overseas. The worst day was the third day of the five-day packing and loading period. That was when they loaded the bulk of our stuff into crates, leaving only the quick shipment and the things for storage, and the dreaded suitcases. She curled up next to the stairs and refused to move. I was too busy to worry much, but when the truck left, and we got ready to go to a hotel for the night, I realized I needed to tell her what was going on.

"Do you want to go blah blah blah?" I said. Suddenly one very depressed dog was ecstatic. Her first visit to a hotel, followed by a month-long visit with relatives in a hot climate, followed by 12 hours in a plane, followed by another month in a London flat, and she was absolutely fine throughout.

Moral of the story: Use the go word as soon as you can.


Oh, and one piece of advice: It's a good idea to get dogs used to staying in a hotel BEFORE you decide to move to another continent. She was a trooper, but I wished I'd travelled with her more before we absolutely had to.

Crystal R S

Any suggestions on how to find a pet-friendly rental? I've got 4 dogs and 3 cats and I'm having NO luck whatsoever. If I could afford to buy, I would, but that's just not in the cards right now. This post caught my eye and I just thought I'd ask.

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