I still haven't really gotten my BlogHer 06 impressions in any sort of coherent order yet. But one thing that keeps rolling around in my mind:
I felt that a lot of things that were discussed at this conference weren't "important." Note I said FELT, not THOUGHT. That was deliberate.
Because the question I have for myself is, as women, do we try to change what we think and talk about to match what the male-dominated culture thinks is important, or do we try to change the culture so that the things we find important become more valued?
And that's the kind of question that gets raised by a girl who went to UC Berkeley and majored in Women's Studies 20+ years ago.
AND YET.... that same girl really hated the pervasive focus on "mommy blogging," the bibs and fake flowers and "diet products" and female contraceptives in the swag bag, and felt alienated by it.
Still thinking.
Hi - coming over from the comment you left on my blog. I think we're on the same wavelength.
Posted by: JM | 01 August 2006 at 09:57 AM
The condom, thank goodness, wasn't lubed with spermicide. Even (especially) as a queer woman, I still have need for such things... and not just with the occasional guy.
I meant to ask the condom spokewoman (who was also on my panel on Sex) directly about it -- but beyond the safer sex gear, which I can't really take enormous issue with, was the heteronormativity in *general*.
Another attendee maid the comment to me, "You know, when 80% of what's marketed to women isn't really of interest to me, I guess I shouldn't be surprised when 80% of BlogHer didn't, either."
What I'd love to start a conversation around is, do we need a lesbian, bisexual, and queer women's panel next year?
Posted by: Melissa | 01 August 2006 at 08:47 PM