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25 July 2006


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Uh, gee, and you didn't even mention that article for FETCH ...once again my poor little paper is dissed in favor of The Bark. Hmph.

PS You did remember your assignment, right?

Christie Keith

But... I don't have anything in the current issue of Fetch?


You asked for an extension, rememeber? Something about the Tony Awards and all that gay culture blogging? :-) So the August issue is Christie-less...


Excuses, excuses, excuses ...


And, please, more about your dogs.


And when it that promise kicking in, hmmmm?




loved the article about the reality show with the two that will go unmentioned here (have only watched about 10 minutes of their show)
But, I loved your review...made me want to turn the lights down low and grab the popcorn...(may need to close those blinds don't want my neonazi neighbors to watch me cry at a lesbian wedding)and find the rerun.

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