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10 July 2006


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"I also think that well over 90 percent of all animal communicators are completely full of crap."

I'd put it a little higher. And frankly, I don't care if they all have pipelines to my dog's mind and can get detailed infno on what's bothering him (couched in English which he somehow speaks fluently in his head) as long as they make a living off the misery of people desperate enough to consult them. I know exactly one person who might have that talent...I guess that's what you'd call it...and she would never stoop to making money that way. Pfui.

As for the Dalai Lama, as a committed Buddhist, he could hardly say anything else to Carl Sagan. The Buddha himself said not to believe anything that conflicted with your own experience, intelligence and common sense. It's one of the reasons that I find this the only admirable religion in the world.


(And I keep insisting I'm not a romantic.)

I'll skirt the bigger issue and laugh mockingly at this comment. Yeah, whatever, hon ;)

Jill Warner

I am writing to you because I read your blog on a regular basis - just an FYI:)

Sponsor Me! - http://blogathon.org/sponsor.php?blog_id=280

I have decided to participate in BLOGATHON 2006!!! I will be posting in my public blog - here is the URL:

The blogathon will take place on July 29, 2006 beginning at 9am EST. It will go on for 24 hours and participants are to blog once every 30 minutes.

I will be posting animal pictures every 1/2 hour! I will be raising money for the National Marrow Donor ProgramĀ® in dedication to my friend, Jennifer Baker, who is fighting Leukemia. Please take a look at Jen's site (jenniferkbaker.com)!

If you are able, please sponser me by going to my Blogathon Profile - http://blogathon.org/sponsor.php?blog_id=280.


Some things have happened to me that I can't explain too, usually involving death of a small animal in my care. But I'm entirely rational about it.

I do believe that our dogs often laugh at us behind our backs.

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