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25 May 2006


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Shutting up, but wondering why this is such a horrible thing that results in "rubbing in" ...


(You can save and whack me over the head in person tomorrow!)

lucky!!!!! you are IN with amazon.com! The Chicks so Rule. Just read the Time mag article on them...it mentions all the male singers who've told the truth about bush and his war since the chicks did...Springsteen, Eminem, Neil Young, Green Day....nary a blip in their cd sales nor a death threat to be heard...hmmmm.

Christie Keith

all the male singers who've told the truth about bush and his war since the chicks did...Springsteen, Eminem, Neil Young, Green Day....nary a blip in their cd sales nor a death threat to be heard...hmmmm.

True, but I think it's about country music as much as gender, or more.... hasn't hurt P!nk's sales to speak out against Bush, the war, etc.

whats up having fun.what are you going to do

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