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09 February 2006


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Thank You for that thoughtful entry.I have "jumped the hoop" and gladly! I had a lovely golden retiever Seseme. I drove 600 mile for her. From a golden retriever rescue.
I lost her last year at the age of 16 years/old age.
My other golden from a very good breeder. I just lost her, Annie to Lympoma Cancer1-3-06.
It can not be stressed enough that the pets we purchase must become a family member in every way.IT IS an Adoption.That pet will depend on it's people just as a child would. Dogs are not things to be obtained.They must become a part of the family dynamics. I am on the list for a pup in the fall, August2006.I'll fill out anything they want me to.my heart and my home they are empty with out my dogs!

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