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20 January 2006


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Good healing thoughts sent his way. :)



I tell my sister she has to keep having children until she produces one who agrees to be a veterinarian. So far I've got a future "princess" and a future "hockey player", but I'm hoping I'll have a third option in the next year or so. I do love my princess and hockey player, though, and they love animals, even if they can't help me cut down on my bills :p I wish your nephew a speedy recovery, and hope he's soon feeling 100% again!

susan k

My best wishes to your nephew, I hope he got his fill of ice cream and jello. Narnia will always be around and he needs to try to rest and heal-but then kids seem to do that so quickly compared to us old people LOL. He needs to let a large beast rest with him but on the other side of his new scar-hey too cool to get to show off scars!!

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