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19 December 2005


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So ... we can expect you to comment on "The L Word" series in 2011? (Cute babes ... Jennifer Beal (think "Flashdance"), for one.)

Darlin', you need TiVo and a satellite dish. You'll watch much less TV, but enjoy it far more.


Heh... I was beaten to a comment about "The L Word" ;-)

Oddly enough, right before I started doing my daily blog surfing, I was reading an article in Google news about the first gay weddings in Northern Ireland. There were protesters telling the members of the wedding parties that they were "an abomination". Certainly words are less damaging in most ways than baseball bats, but 5 years later, it shows that while laws are changing, a lot of attitudes aren't.




LOL, Gina ... let's not rush her ;) And it still IS a good show, trashy or not!


Every time two gay men go to a prom, or two women share a romantic kiss on the street, they are experiencing something that straight people don't (and many don't understand). Each act of love takes extreme bravery and risk. To even "look like" dykes can draw anger and violence. We live a bittersweet truth. Thanks for reminding me of that.
P.S. My friends tell me I need to give it more time, but I think I am the only lesbian who really didn't enjoy the 3 early episodes of The L Word that I watched. The women were beautiful, yes, but I found I didn't really connect with them... or their lives.


Sandy, if it helps, my partner and I stopped watching "The L Word" early in season 2. We didn't really identify with any of the characters once the writers broke Bette and Tina up. My partner and I just live a normal, everyday life, and "The L Word" just didn't represent that to us after a while. That being said, our straight hairstylist loves the show... I guess drama is more fun if you're not trying to see yourself reflected in it.

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