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24 December 2005


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Elayne Riggs

Fairytale of New York is one of the Riggs household favorites as well, particularly with the scruffy-boy Englishman I married now living with me in New York. :) Sad that the woman doing the duet is no longer with us...


Squinting, puzzled, I read that again and again and say..."What? Does this mean something?" Do I really care? Actually, no. Except it confounds me that anyone would.

Those are "immortal lyrics"? Falling out of the mouth of a toothless drunken bum yet?

Talk about your generational disconnect.


That song always makes me feel so melancholy... something about the Celtic sound, combined with the memory of Kirsty MacColl, who died so close to Christmas in 2000. Your post prompted me to pick up a copy of Kirsty's compilation CD, "Galore", so her heirs thank you for the 50 cents or whatever you helped them earn ;-)

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