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09 November 2005


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susan k

Please don't say goodbye to Kansas-I really think high school kids take that the whole thing with a large grain of salt-what else could they do in Kansas? We are surrounded by soil full of fossils and yet the state school board refuses to notice it. It is an embarrassment to most of the state's citizens to have a school board with such actions. I think most of the problem is the voting block that elects them and the majority of the state doesn't even register or show up at the polls if they are registered. It runs all the way down to the local levels with the good ole boy attitude. Oops I forgot my house is bugged-oh well they know where I am, especially since I am one of the few democrats in this county. PS: couldn't believe your pictures of the aftermath of your male's surgery-OMG I pray my male mastff rescue never gets cysturnia? which is in mastiffs also. Give those deerhounds a big hug from me-I still haven't heard if Barb and Richard are having pups this year-I hope so-it didn't work out for me to get one last year. Keep on writing-there are a few sane Kansans out here-well mostly sane!!!

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