Raven's feet were all swollen up this morning, and
Dr. Hamilton had me stop the nebulization in case it was a side effect or
allergic reaction to the IL-2. She wants me to stop for 2-3 days and then see
where we are.
Raven doesn't even want to walk, but she is eating and seems happy enough - not HAPPY HAPPY, but not too bad. Over the course of the day the swelling went down about 50 percent, and this afternoon I ran her over to the local vet, who drew blood. I brought a urine sample, too. We'll check on her liver and kidney functions, etc. She's on a lot of meds, who knows what is going on? No fever at least. Hardly any coughing. We'll have the bloodwork and UA results tomorrow morning.
Poor little Raven, it would be just our luck that she'll be allergic to her last ditch miracle drug that cost more than my mortgage payment. We've done four days of a 30 day
course of treatment. I could scream. I may scream. That sound is me
I really hope this is just an unrelated anomaly, like, Raven's feet are allergic to your new floor wax or something. Please post an update when one is available.
Posted by: Leigh-Ann | 22 September 2005 at 07:38 PM