I took Raven into the vet on Tuesday. It turned out her couple of bad days were the result of a minor back injury, and she's back to running and playing as if nothing had ever happened. It probably had nothing to do with the chemo, or at least, not much.
But while she was there they did an x-ray, and the local vet saw something suspicious in her lungs. So we went off to our vet and my friend, Helen Hamilton, who did a complete chest series and confirmed all our worst fears: The chemo has totally failed to control the spread of the cancer and Raven's lungs are full of metastases.
Ten weeks ago her lungs were clear, now she's loaded with mets. For those who don't live in Osteo Hell like we do now, you might not know that this is the worst possible news. Given the rapid spread, and the absolute lack of accepted treatments for lung mets in osteosarcoma, this is the end. Four to 8 weeks, said Helen. But... she also said she was going to find out if there was anything anywhere we could try, some experimental therapy, some trial, something, anything. She seemed to want it as badly as I did. Almost.
I wasn't hopeful, really, but she took me by surprise when she scared up some information today about a nebulization therapy with interleukin-2, a form of immune stimulant that is nebulized into the lungs. Amazingly, you do this therapy at home.
It's experimental and there's very little data. It seems pretty safe. We have nothing at all to lose.
Medline abstract here. I have a PDF file with the full study plus dosage information; post here or email me if you want me to send it to you.
And no, of course I'm not as calm as I seem. I'm terrified. I cried for two days and couldn't even tell my friends. But I have a happy dog here and I am going to see if I can keep her that way a little longer. Denial, hope, grasping at straws, I have no idea what it is. But it's what I've got.
Please keep us posted about how the treatment goes. You've got my phone number, too.
Posted by: Travis | 10 September 2005 at 11:35 AM
I'm so sorry, Christie. I hope this new treatment helps.
Posted by: Sue | 10 September 2005 at 06:38 PM
Huge hug from this side of the pond. Take care of yourself, too.
Posted by: KathyF | 11 September 2005 at 06:49 AM
Christie, I'm so sorry to hear about Raven's mets. I was sincerely hoping for the both of you that there was the small chance it was caught in time. Osteosarc is a scary, scary disease to deal with and you've done the best for Raven so far, I know you'll continue doing so. Fight the good fight and make memories while you can. HUGS to you and Raven both!!!
Posted by: Alison | 11 September 2005 at 01:12 PM
Christie, I am so very, very sorry. I hope that this treatment will help... I was involved with a similar clinical drug application for the human market - can chat with you privately about this if you would like. You and Raven remain in my thoughts.
Posted by: Susie | 12 September 2005 at 09:55 PM
Please hang in there! I have read your blog for months now, but have never felt closer to Raven before. Whatever is the right thing to do I am sure you will do it for Raven. You are way stronger than I am, going through all of this. Give the girl a big squish of a hug from me, and from my dogs, Zero and Piglet.
Best of luck and health
Posted by: carmen | 13 September 2005 at 06:31 AM
I found your blog via a link on Dogma... I've enjoyed reading it very much, and the Bush=Disaster photo at the top of your blog today is proof that I'll want to come back. I did want to post and say how sorry I am about your dog's illness -- what a sweet-looking dog she is! I guess I'm lucky that any pet deaths I've had to endure have been sudden and unexpected. With one aging dog and two elderly cats, though, I know a serious illness could be just around any corner. Blogs such as yours are a good reminder for me to enjoy every day I have with them.
I wish you and your dog as much wonderful and fun-filled time together as possible.
Posted by: Leigh-Ann | 13 September 2005 at 10:13 PM
You don't know me from Adam (or Eve ) but I post on K9Nutrition and I am always pleased to see your posts and learn from your knowledge. Having had dogs for over 30 years and currenly have 3 rescue Dobes, I know the heartbreak of losing wonderful companions. Their lives fill your heart and leave a huge hole when they go. Fight the fight, enjoy all the moments you have left, and keep your memories close to your heart. You and Raven will be in our prayers.
Posted by: Beth | 14 September 2005 at 09:45 AM
A kiss you and a hug to Raven. Tell her the Wickeds say to breathe deeply and heal.
Posted by: Heather | 20 September 2005 at 02:00 PM