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25 September 2005


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Just reading some of your posts about Raven. I am so sorry that you had to let her go. I can relate... somewhat. My dog Foster (almost 8 yr Bernese Mtn Dog) had his leg amp'd Aug 28 due to OS. We completed chemo at the end of December and just 2 weeks ago, we found 3, possibly 3 small-ish sized mets in his lungs. He is breathing a little heavier, his activity is decreased, but his enthusiasm and spirit (and all bodily functions) are awesome. We are currently doing the Metronomic Protocol (NSAID, low dose cytoxan along with Doxycycline) in the hopes that the met growth may slow down. Wish us luck.
Thanks for your info about Raven. It is helpful to read how things progressed in her.

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