I'm swamped at work this week and don't have time to post, but caught this in War Room over on Salon - it's worth signing up for the free "day pass" if you don't have a subscription:
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney -- a potential Republican presidential contender in 2008 and a staunch supporter of the president's "stay the course" policy in Iraq -- got the question from a Boston Herald reporter last week. He didn't much like it.
Romney has five sons, age 24 to 35, and the Massachusetts National Guard will take 'em up to 39. Asked whether he had encouraged his sons to sign up, Romney said: "No, I have not urged my own children to enlist. I don't know the status of my children's potentially enlisting in the Guard and Reserve." As he answered, the Herald says, his voice became "tinged with anger."
More here.
I think they should be asked why they have not encouraged their children to enlist. For those fortunate sons with a chance at a hefty inheritance, I think their any-one-against-the-war-is-unpatriotic parents should be announcing irreversible codiciles to their wills that no inheritance will be received if their eligible child does not complete at least one tour of a war zone.
Posted by: ol cranky | 31 August 2005 at 08:45 PM