When I was a little girl, my father used to bring me home books on astronomy from his business trips. I read them all, and knew more about red giants and white dwarfs than was perhaps strictly normal for an eight year old child. So it's only natural that I love Phil Plait's blog Bad Astronomy, even though I don't share his enthusiasm for James Randi (most likely because I LIKE alternative medicine and Randi SO doesn't). So when Plait quoted my hero Howard Dean AND slammed Intelligent Design, I couldn't help but share the love.
From Plait:
I don’t care what party you belong to, what wing you call yourself, for whom you voted, what your religion is, or even if you have one or not. Intelligent Design is not science; it’s not even religion. It’s just wrong. Purveyors of ID are stifling our children, killing their future, and literally destroying the chances our country has in being a player in the biotechnical industry that will become the biggest business of the 21st century. If this goes on, we’ll be firmly planted in the 15th century. Science is about looking ahead. ID is about sticking its head in the ground.
From Dean:
The president has been anti-science for a long time. This is the most antiscientific regime that I’ve seen in America in my lifetime. I’m a trained physician, as you’re aware. I’m insulted by that. It’s going to harm America. What serious business is going to invest in America if a scientific education is influenced by politics? Science ought to be taught as science. If you want to teach religion, that’s a separate debate. But science should be taught as science.
All this plus several digs at America's Worst Doctor, Bill Frist, here.
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