I wrote a while back about a case in Kansas where a teenaged boy was sentenced to 17 years in prison for having sex with another, younger teenaged boy, an offense that would have drawn only a few months had it been between a boy and a girl. That sounded terrible to me and I still believe it is, but today I read about something so much worse I don't even know what to say about it.
From Travis:
The short version is that two teenagers in Iran were hanged for having homosexual sex with each other, and possibly a 13 year old boy, which is somewhat ambiguous as to whether it was consensual with the 13 year old boy or rape. The two condemned teenagers were held in jail for 14 months, and lashed 228 times.
The full story is on Planet Out. Photos and a different account at Direland (upsetting images), via Ampersand at Alas, a Blog.
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