Samson's first owners got rid of him when they
got a new Golden Retriever puppy. The two pets didn't get along, and
since the puppy was the exciting new addition to the family, Samson got
the boot. He was headed for the shelter when a family friend took him
After several years, circumstances led the family friend to find a new home for the cat, and Samson came to me. He was 15 years old, with failing kidneys and a sweet, loving disposition. His long black hair was greasy and full of flakes, and caked with poop and matts all around his rear end. He was too sick to groom himself, and his eyes were dull and sad. His teeth were rotted and he had advanced periodontal disease. After oral surgery and the removal of most of his teeth (the dentist said he had ten years of neglected dental disease), the help of a professional groomer, a change to a homemade diet for cats with kidney problems, subcutaneous fluids twice a week, and some special supplements from his holistic vet to help his kidneys, Samson became fluffy, happy, and healthy.
He bonded deeply to my cat Daphne, and even on the warmest nights
you would find them sleeping curled up into a little ball together. They
groomed each other and he put up with her bossy ways. He loved to sit on
my lap when I read or watched TV, and he particularly liked to spend time
out in his cat enclosure overlooking the creek, watching birds and napping in the sun.
Samson found his forever home the third time around, with me. And today his tired old kidneys finally shut all the way down, and we sent him where good cats go.
I'm sorry to hear of Samson's passing. And poor Daphne has experienced a lot of loss in her life, first Mark and then Samson. I hope she is okay.
Posted by: Natalie | 26 July 2005 at 08:25 AM
He was a great cat.
Posted by: Travis | 26 July 2005 at 09:48 AM
What a lovely tribute to him. I know he will be much missed, and his presence forever felt. I'm so sorry.
Posted by: Gina | 26 July 2005 at 03:39 PM
May all cats at least have a good, loving home for their last years.
Cathy, Leo the reddog angel, 6 kitties, 3 dogs
Posted by: Cathy | 26 July 2005 at 08:56 PM
I'm so sorry, Christie. Godspeed, Samson.
Posted by: Sue | 26 July 2005 at 11:51 PM
And bless you, Christie, for doing what you've done for him. Every neglected cat should have you in their lives, even briefly.
(Okay, now don't everyone send cats to Christie...)
Posted by: KathyF | 27 July 2005 at 04:36 AM