8:05: "Like most Americans, I see the images of violence and bloodshed." Unlike most Americans, I could have prevented it.
It's mean, it's dirty, it's ever-so-snide, it's Wonkette liveblogging Bush's speech at Fort Bragg tonight. Much better than the "real" thing.
Of course, I wouldn't really know because I can't watch him on TV. I have normal blood pressure most of the time, but for some reason when I hear even one syllable of his voice my veins all constrict and I get this pounding in the side of my neck. I'm fairly sure that's not good for me.
Wonkette, on the other hand, always makes me laugh, and they do say that's the best medicine. Bless her potty-mouthed little heart.
I watched the speech while cooking dinner..and didn't break a single dish. I'm so proud.
What struck me was the end of the speech where Bush implored young people to enlist.
I'm wondering why he hasn't been frequenting the Young Republican meetings...stumping all those bleeding heart conservatives into the infantry.
Being true believers and all that.
Posted by: carla | 29 June 2005 at 01:16 PM