You gotta love a column that starts out asking, "Why are Democrats such weenies?"
Yeah yeah, I know I'm a Democrat. But I'm not a weenie. And that's why I love Howard Dean, who is also not a weenie. Just ask columnist Jon Carroll, who suggests that Dems such as my own state's Nancy Pelosi who have publically tsked tsked at Dean's outspoken criticism of the Republicans are missing the point:
Most Americans are neither ultraconservative nor superrich, and they are interested in hearing the truth. The Democrats should be interested in telling the truth, and telling it in a strong and convincing manner. They cannot flinch when the White House does one of its "gay marriage booga booga" dances. Be not afraid, Democrats. This is not an occasion in which the meek will inherit the earth. Speak for the people, because the people need you to end the madness.
Dean's tough guy approach is exactly why the DNC members elected him in the first place. The Washington Post quoted one of them, Gilda Cobb-Hunter of South Carolina, as saying, "I hope Governor Dean will remember that he didn't get elected to be a wimp. We have been waiting a long time for someone to stand up for Democrats."
The Post article continues:
"Howard Dean is going to be much more aggressive, much more outspoken and much more of a risk-taker outside the Beltway than any chairman has been. We knew that," said Alvaro Cifuentes, chairman of the DNC Hispanic caucus. "We have to get our politics out of Washington. We cannot continue to be held captive by party leaders who I respect but who have to play their own local politics," Cifuentes said, calling congressional Democrats "timid" and the flap over his comments "mostly a Beltway play."
We really do need to stop worrying over how what we're saying plays with REPUBLICANS and focus on building a cohesive message of our own. Dean has offered his fifty-state plan, a complete departure from the focus-grouped, poll-driven machinations of the Democratic Party in years past. He may not be the most diplomatic guy around, but like his role model Harry Truman, he doesn't give 'em hell, he just gives 'em the truth and they think it's hell. From the Post:
"When we elected Dean we knew we were getting a leader who would be good at organizing the base and getting the message out to the American people, and that's what he's doing," (DNC member Stephen) Alari said. "He's our guy."
Mine, too.
Posted by: Gina | 17 June 2005 at 03:53 PM