Really, seriously... I like science, I like medicine, I just think it's all very wonderful. I often get savaged by other holistic breeders/dog owners for championing science and conventional medicine - I believe last time I took the Holistic Purity Litmus Test I got an F+.
BUT.... sometimes medicine behaves like such a complete and utter ass that a girl can only think.... maybe throwing a handful of herbs in a pot of boiling water really IS the answer. Because these folks are eating their own tails. Or perhaps they just have their heads up their asses. It's hard to tell because I really don't like to look that closely.
Via Ampersand at Alas, a Blog, from LAmom (who intriguingly describes herself as "a homeschooling mom, midwife, and Christian pro-life liberal"):
Dr. Helen Sandland, an obstetrician in North Carolina, is leaving the hospital where she had been practicing. The reason? Hospital administrators were pressuring her to do more cesarean sections.
In the decade she has delivered babies and cared for their mothers in New Hanover County, she [Dr. Sandland] has always had a [C-section] rate below 10 percent....
If her lack of medical malpractice lawsuits and gratitude of patients are of any account, she was not only popular, but also successful.
So what was the problem, exactly? I mean, since there wasn't any problem?
Read it here - be prepared to run screaming into the night.