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21 March 2005


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Yes, isn't it amazing how the Republicans want the government out of everyone's business -- unless it's the business of everyone the Christian right wing wants to control?

So let's recap: People who happen to be gay don't deserve equal rights because the religious right thinks they shouldn't have them (hmmm, what happened to the idea of the separation of church and state?). Women don't have the right to have a say over their own bodies.

But corporations should not be burdened by laws that would in any way affect their ability to do anything they want to workers, communities or the environment.


Yes, isn't it amazing how the Republicans want the government out of everyone's business -- unless it's the business of everyone the Christian right wing wants to control?

So let's recap: People who happen to be gay don't deserve equal rights because the religious right thinks they shouldn't have them (hmmm, what happened to the idea of the separation of church and state?). Women don't have the right to have a say over their own bodies.

But corporations should not be burdened by laws that would in any way affect their ability to do anything they want to workers, communities or the environment.


The whole Terry Schiavo hooha has been enough for me to want to start a blog just so I could rant. My sister told me she wants to get a DNR tattoo on her left breast to be sure her wishes were clear.


Heard about the doctor who had "Do Not Rescusitate" tattoed on his chest? I think he was here in the UK.

If you do sign a DNR, place a copy on your fridge; that's where EMTs are trained to look, since everyone has a fridge. (Why should a young healthy person have a DNR? If your heart is stopped for six minutes, severe brain damage is likely.)

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