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27 December 2004


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Thanks for this post, Christie!!!!


Kathy in CT

"But if you are, like me, trapped in a way of eating that was creating a blood sugar roller coaster, sapping your energy, and setting up a chain reaction of cravings and overeating, Atkins may be the missing link to finally having a functioning, healthy appetite that serves to let you know when you've eaten enough."

Bravo on your entire article!! You "really" get it. I'm down 50 with 50 more to go in 2005 and an A1C down to 6.0 so "I get it." I feel so young and alive now :-). Thanks for your excellent story.


I couldn't have said it better myself, Christie! Everything you said was right on! I can especially relate to the physical sensation of Atkins being just right for you and eliminating a lot of the physical ailments we may never have related to our way of eating before. When I started the Atkins WOL it was like my whole body said, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah". Now to get back on the wagon, which I never should have strayed from in the first place.


Hey Christie. Great blog. One correction though... by the time I started the list, weight loss surgery was no longer an option...I wasn't a candidate. That was why I started the list. It has been most gratifying to see the successes. Of you I never had any doubt that if you committed you WOULD DO IT! You are a phenomenal person.


Great entry, Christie! I of course particularly liked your acknowledgement that "one woman's miracle is another woman's big fat dud." I too lost 115 lbs over 2 years and have kept it all off in the past 18 months. Atkins didn't do much for me, but like you, I was too stubborn and determined to give up. My strategy has been fairly balanced (40-40-20 carb/protein/fat) and I found that weights was my linchpin. Congratulations on a new lease on life and see you in 2005 :)

Helen East

Hello. I think your site is great & enjoyed finding out more about your 119-pound weight loss and, on the same page, finding a link to Lakoff's books.

I guess I should try and jump my overweight self onto the low-carb NT wagon. Your blog is a push in the right direction.



Christie I read you comments about the vet dissing raw feeding, and I agree with you. This woman is so poorly educated she doesn't deserve to be a vet. She must have graduated at the bottom of her class!

As for the Atkins diet... I was in the same boat as you, and I think it has saved me. I have lost 70 pounds over the last 2 years, and need to lose 30 more. Now if I would just exercise, I'd lose it quickly, but I'm still losing about a pound a month with no exercise! My love of low carb ice cream and candy bars doen't help- but doesn't hurt a lot

Good job!



Wonderful entry. I don't even remember how I stumbled on this blog (was googleing for something completely else), but I am and have always been confused about overweight people. Maybe, because I find myself disgusting when I think of overweight as being a lack of determination and strength (and you addressed those two points! thanks for that!) and because I want to be compassionate and understanding of people who are overweight. Just a fascinating blog and I am so relieved to hear your feelings and motivations. Usually, people don't talk about their fears and it just makes me feel like a complete stranger with fears in a world of perfectly normal people. Anyways.. take care!


I came across the article by searching google for tips. I'm really glad I did. Though I am a guy, a lot of what you says rings true with me. Most of all, I thank you for making the comment about being sober. I've been flaky every time I've tried to lose my excess weight, but I realize, I've been obstinate in never having a bit to drink, I need simply apply those feelings towards certain food groups, and with my excercise and your comments I feel like I have the confidence I need to succeed, thank you.


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